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Learn More About Each Rescued Serval Here at the Sanctuary - Including Each Rescue Story.

The Wild Animal Sanctuary-Texas currently houses 2 Servals that were rescued from illegal or abusive situations. Following each rescue operation, our Servals are provided with individualized medical and rehabilitation care. Each Serval is giving as much time as needed to adjust to their new home prior to be released into large acreage habitats - providing them with a forever home.

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Luna and Raja were five years old when they first arrived at TWAS-Texas. They both had poor mobility in their hind quarters due to improper diets and had been living in a bedroom of a house in Lincoln, Nebraska for all their lives - never stepping foot on grass before. After their private owner passed away, Luna and Raja were found and confiscated by the local police and animal control authorities.

TWAS-Texas worked with Luna to get him on a normal, healthy diet with supplements to help his muscles develop properly. After receiving proper care and having room to move, Luna is now walking and moving around significantly better. He is now able to jump and enjoys spending time on his perches and in his igloo. He is also very curious and will often explore anything new within his habitat or around the Sanctuary.



Raja and Luna were five years old when they first arrived at TWAS-Texas. They both had poor mobility in their hind quarters due to improper diets and had been living in a bedroom of a house in Lincoln, Nebraska for all their lives - never stepping foot on grass before. After their private owner passed away, Raja and Luna were found and confiscated by the local police and animal control authorities.

TWAS-Texas worked with Raja to get her on a normal, healthy diet with supplements to help her muscles develop properly. After receiving proper care and having room to move, Raja is now walking and moving around significantly better. She is now able to jump and enjoys spending time on her perches. She spends most of her time lying in her recycled firehose bed. 


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